The Early Years of Satan

The Edge of Time
Next to the X
Perry Lake

In these three songs there is a central storyline revolving around that funny little horned man in a red suit. You might know him better as Satan. In all seriousness I don't completely understand the Satanic character. It's only in the book of Job in the old testament, and in the new testament Gospels where this figure is personified. The rest of the Bible leaves one with a vague indirect understanding of Satan, thus making Satan an allegory for evil. However if you piece together the canonical scriptures you get something like this:

1.Satan was an angel (the most powerful one! how do you become that?)
2.All other angels bowed to God, Satan was too proud and he rebelled (don't know how)
3.Satan was cast out of Heaven to become a ruler of Demons (other fallen angels)
4.Satan is considered the ruler of the earth (currently having some authority, influence and power over humanity and the natural world)
5. Satan will eventually go to war with God and loose

There you have it. Thats a pretty vague portrait of such a powerful figure's life. Unfortunately that's about all we have to work with. I've begun to speculate about the origins and the rise of the Satanic dynasty. I guess that's how I started to get all these ideas for songs. So, if I were to write down a thesis that could be continually applied throughout all these songs it would be this: if the world is as old as it is, what was going on in the "heavens" during the pre-historical period...and what was Satan's childhood like. It's about this point in time when I wrote these three songs.

The Edge of time tells a pre-creation story of the world through a Hebraic mindset. Here, Leviathan, the ancient sea creature representing chaos and disorder, is smashed to oblivion in a galactic fight with God, after his defeat God can finally begin his order of creation on earth. Before this the world was formless and void, nothing but a big ball of dark water with Leviathan swimming around preventing any form of creation on the planet.

Next to the X tells the story of a man taking a car ride with a character who turns out to be embodying the Devil. The Devil tells the man the story about how the Dinosaur's really died. They weren't killed by a meteorite, they were puppets of Satan, he used them as tools and turned them against each other to Disengage God's plan. This story will be unfolded later in a new song called Gondwanaland.

Perry Lake is a lake that now covers an area that was once inhabited by Satan shortly after his fall from the heavens. It's in this spot that Satan kept his personal diary which tells the story of his older brother whom he drowned. His Brother was killed on a fishing trip and is believed to still haunt those waters in Leviathan-like fashion to this day.

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