Have I lost It?

Seriously though, I've been asking myself this question a lot lately, And so I'm starting this blog in order to prove that I at least sort of know what I'm talking about. If anything I can at least get my thoughts straight and answer any potential questions in regards to these mythological creatures that protagonize the music.

My interest in the supernatural has been a reoccurring theme throughout these last few years and I can't imagine it fading out as quickly as my other musical themes i've had (robots, time-travel, aliens, girls) maybe that's because I feel like I have something really creative in the works here.
When we wrote Leviathan in 2006 several songs quickly became my favorites basically because of the lyrics. These songs, namely The Edge of Time, and Next to The X told a story that was part of a framework in which a larger story could be unraveled. In the summer of 2007 we recorded our self-titled EP where the songs Nephilim Blood, and Perry Lake continued in the same tradition of our very own mythological supernatural pre-historical Apocrypha that tied these four songs together.
By now you might be thinking that I'm full of it so please let me persuade you otherwise. That label- mythological supernatural prehistorical Apocrypha sounds absurd but it's the best I can do to define the Genre in which most of our songs are written.

Let me break it down...

Myth is commonly disregarded by our postmodern culture as, firstly and foremost, false or untrue. I would like to associate the word with it's definition, which essentially is a way for people to explain the universe, humanity, and origins, via the supernatural.

I use the term supernatural to describe anything in the spiritual world such as angels, demons, gods, and other un-worldly forces.

Pre-history is the period of the world before history began to record itself.(pretty much anything before 5500 B.C.) There is nothing known about this period other than the fossil records and several oral traditions at its tail end. I presume it to be a time when the supernatural was extremely active in the world.

Apocrypha is a term given to books that were left out of the Biblical cannon. Therefore I will have to use it very loosely in reference to the myths that take place in this genre we are creating. Wikipedia describes the as follows; The word "apocryphal" (ἀπόκρυφος) was first applied, in a positive sense, to writings which were kept secret because they were the vehicles of esoteric knowledge considered too profound or too sacred to be disclosed to anyone other than the initiated. The term "apocrypha" has evolved in meaning somewhat, and its associated implications have ranged from positive to pejorative. The term apocryphal, according to Merriam-Webster, means "writings or statements of dubious authenticity."

I guess thats the basis, the context, the setting in which many songs are about to unfold. A world, long before humans took to the scene in which spiritual forces interacted fought and molded the world into what it is today. It's a world full of mystery and speculation what if's and why not's. It's a world that can be used to explain the things that have no explanation.

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